
Assignment Page for Preschool

Beginners Assignment Sheet

Beginners Assignment Sheet

When I started using binders with my students, I decided I need an assignment sheet just for the little ones.  I wanted to make a colorful one that they would enjoy using.  The first one I made listed their music books as  “Lesson” and “Theory” like in the big kids’ binders. But the little ones could not remember what that meant. So I started calling it “the book for things you play on the piano” and “the book you write things in”. Since I  use several different books depending on the child, as well as things I make myself, that works well. When they are far enough along to use average age books, they look forward to getting the “big girl one” as one of my students said last week!

The keyboard at the top comes in handy. They can label the keys, draw a 5-finger scale, or find starting notes. I also can draw new scales for them, and it is nice and big.

There are two pages to this PDF,  because I have a duplex printer, which is a fancy term that means it can print on both sides. I love being able to print on both sides, so by giving this printable two pages, it can print both side easily. If you are not using a duplex printer, remember that every time you print you will get 2 pages, unless you specify to print page one, only. Then you can put them back into your printer and print the other side. It will also print in black and white, with  the color turning into different shades of  gray. My treble clef logo is not on the PDF version.

I punch holes in both sides of their assignment sheet, so I can turn it over quickly and easily. I like to keep the latest assignment as the first page when they open their binder, and by punching holes in both sides, it is more useful and saves paper.  I found that if the assignment sheet is not the first page they see, they (and their parents) can’t find it.  I know there is a date listed, but that is  my experience. Why not make things easy for busy parents who already have trouble finding time to practice with their children?  It also makes it easier for me at the lesson and for children who practice by themselves.

I don’t put a lot of blank assignment sheets in their binder. Rather, every two weeks I give them a fresh, new one. I keep all my assignments sheets close by, holes already punched, so it only takes a second.

One of the best things I bought a few years ago was an electric three hole punch from Amazon. It has saved me so much time and makes my binder system so much easier. It has been very trouble-free and was worth the price.

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  1. Susan, you are amazing. I love everything you make. Your pages are such a pleasure to look at! Do you draw these things yourself? I would like to make some large pages with different rhythm patterns for my kids to tap at a group class, but I have no idea how to do it besides drawing it myself. I love how professional all of your stuff looks!

    1. Marsha, thank you very much! I’m going to get a big head! Yes, I draw almost everything myself. I did not draw the art for the piano books I sell. I use Photoshop quite a bit, and I have made special brushes for that program.

      For you, I would suggest a free font called Opus Text, which you can download off the web. Then you can use it to add notes to Word. This is what a lot of teachers do. There are some more free and paid music fonts you can use, if you do a search.

      Also, I use rhythms, and I have a ton in my files. If you can do one by hand and mail it to me, I can recreate it and post for everyone to share. My mailing address in on the font page of my website, http://www.susanparadis.com

      Also, I have made a lot of rhythm strips that I use at group lesson. I think I have posted those. they are big enough to hold up for students to clap or play.

  2. Love it! This looks simpler than the robot and flower practice chart. I will give it a try. Another thought I had was to download it on my ipad and emailing it directly to parents for them to print out using Jot…What do you think? : )

    1. Phyllis, I’m not sure how parents could use this, but if you have a good way, I’d love to hear it! I’ve never printed anything from Jot so I don’t know about that. You could just send them the link to my website and let them print it.

  3. Love this practice sheet! Thanks for sharing! My printer died and I am currently shopping for a new one, would you mind sharing the model number of the printer you use and your thoughts on it? Also, I print my practice sheets doubled sided, but print the one on the backside upside down so all I have to do is flip it over the next week. Then I only need three hole punches on one side. (Figured that one out by accident one day)

    1. Carol, and here I thought I was so clever. You are a genius! I do not recommend the printer I use. The color is terrible, and we had to have it replaced on warranty. I have another printer by Canon that is not duplex, and I love it. When I need a new duplex printer, I am going to get a Canon, I think.

  4. Good morning!  I love this website.  She has such cute and creative ideas!!!  I’ve subscribed to to this one, so hopefully I’ll start getting her updates.  I’ve not received any info about the sept meeting from Cherry Lynn.  Can you tell me where and when?  What is the usual dress for the meeting? 



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