
Halloween Lollipop Cards

I’m so excited to show you this cute treat idea for your students now available in the store: Halloween Lollipop Cards These are Halloween lollipop backing cards that you can slip a lollipop into and pass out to your students. What make these unique is that you can place Halloween themed lollipops into the cards to complete the look.

I got this idea initially after finding these cute lollipops available on Amazon. I thought a fun twist to the standard lollipop cards would be if the lollipop was actually was part of the design. When I saw the Frankenstein head lollipop, I was sold and got to drawing!

I purchased these cute lollipops from Amazon. https://amzn.to/4gKmVes

Initially, I made a design for each lollipop design:

  • Frankenstein’s body for the Frankenstein head
  • Ghost body for the Ghost lollipop
  • Scarecrow body for the Jack-o-lantern
  • A witch missing her had for the hat lollipop.

Then I decided to make some additional cards for teacher’s who wanted to just use generic lollipops. Those are:

  • Witch on a broom (the lollipop is the broom)
  • Ghost with tongue (ghost holds the lollipop and looks like he’s about to lick it).

Tips for purchasing lollipops:

  • Make sure the lollipops are individually wrapped.
  • For the specific head shaped lollipops, make sure they are wrapped in CLEAR plastic.
  • For the generic lollipop card designs, I recommend lollipops the size of Dum-dums up to Blow Pops and
    Tootsie Roll Pops. Any brand will do!

For the sample pictures, I used these lollipops from Amazon:

Big Halloween Lollipop Suckers Candy 24 Pack: https://amzn.to/4gKmVes

You do not have to use the same lollipops that I used, and you don’t even need to use all the cards! I made the designs that work with generic lollipops to hopefully make things easier for you and keep costs down. You could also buy only jack-o-lantern lollipops and just print out the Scarecrow page. (I saw a lot of jack-o-lantern lollipops available – just make sure they are individually wrapped and in clear plastic.) It’s really up to you how you want to do it!

Watch my video to see them in action!

The Specifics:

Included in the digital download:

  • Instruction Sheet
  • 1 page of Frankenstein body
  • 1 page of scarecrow body
  • 1 page of witches without hats
  • 1 page of ghost body
  • 1 page of witch on broomstick
  • 1 page of ghost with tongue

Materials Needed:

  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • Lollipops!
  • Recommended: Xacto knife for cutting slits. You can use fine scissors, too.


  1. Print out which pages of the Halloween Lollipop cards you want to use.
  2. Cut out the cards (there are 4 cards per page).
  3. Using an Xacto knife or a pair of fine scissors, cut along the dotted lines inside the card.
  4. Insert the lollipop into the slits.
  5. Enjoy!

(As an Amazon Associate, I receive a small commission for Amazon products I link to. This is at NO extra cost to you and is just
another way to help pay for the costs of keeping this site running! As always, thank you for your support!)

Thank you!

I just want to take a moment to thank everyone leaving comments and reviews on the blogs and products! Thank you for all the support you have shown me since I’ve taken over my mom’s business since her passing. Thank you, thank you! -Liz

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