
🎶🔶🥁🔷 Rhythm Bingo in 3|8, 6|8, and 9|8 is a short bingo-type rhythm game for late elementary students. The teacher will play one-measure rhythm patterns in 3|8, 6|8, and 9|8, and students will identify the correct notation on their bingo board. How many of your students need some practice or extra help with compound meters?…

Learn chord inversions in a game!

A fun  way to find the root of a chord!

Review note names the FUN way!

Learn intervals the fast way!

For individual students or groups up to 10!

A fun way to learn rhythm patterns!

Learn the names of the piano keys with this fun game!

Rated 5.00 out of 5
Learn music symbols and vocabulary words!

Learn finger numbers with a bingo game!


Easy Game for Thanksgiving

Holiday Fun While You Learn!

A bingo game just for note reading!

Keyboard game with a variation for placing notes on the staff!