
I Can Write the Music Alphabet Worksheet

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I love to make theory worksheets for my students! Just a little bit of color makes them so much more fun for students.

This worksheet is for beginning students who are learning the music alphabet. I made it with large, easy to read print for younger children. The larger print also makes it possible to use this on your iPad with older beginners who can write smaller. You will have to experiment because pre-children vary a lot in their ability to write on the iPad.

I am making a series of these larger worksheets for my younger students. I will post more as I have time. I hope you enjoy them!

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  1. I am new to my iPad mini and don’t know how to put this worksheet on so I could do it with my classes and write in answers. Could you tell me what you do? Once I download it what do I do next? I would use iTV to project it so everyone could see it at once. Thank you for all your great resources!

    1. Julie, There are several apps you can use. I use Skitch, but there are several others. What you want to find is an app that allows you to annotate on a PDF. As far as using your mini with iTV, you probably need to do some research for what works best for you.

  2. This is so nice! I have found that sometimes even my older students have to stop and think when asking them to figure out “skips.” They’ll be doing this at their lessons next week, too!

    Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful teaching aids!

  3. Susan,
    My students love to come in for their lessons and find a new worksheet waiting for them. Thank you so much for sharing all your creativity and terrific teacher expertise with all of us.

    Please give some description of the iPad use. Is it through Skitch? Can you itemize the steps to making this iPad usable?
    Thank you,

    1. Lavinia,
      I use a previous version of Skitch. If you have that version, you can use my tutorial from last summer. (June 6, 2012)
      Just do a search for Skitch on my blog.
      Some teachers have told me the tutorial works somewhat with the new version, but since I don’t have the new version, I can’t test it out.
      There are some other apps that are also easy to use with the iPad. Recently I’ve tried out the free versions of Jot and GoodReader. When I have more time, I’ll try to write tutorials for those.

  4. I love these!… And ALL of your worksheets! You have inspired me to start doing my own as well!

    My students (and me too) love to make the lessons more fun, and I definitely think they learn better that way! Thanks for this great website ♫

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