
One Minute Club 2024

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It’s Back!

The 2024 One Minute Club Certificate, Chart, and Membership card has been posted! Available now and discounted for a short time!

How it works:

Using flashcards of your choice, quickly flip through the cards as your students SAY the name of the note and PLAY it on the piano. “SAY AND PLAY!” Have your timer handy so you can keep track of their time. If they can do it in under a minute, they get to join the club!

Club members get a certificate and a club membership card. You can choose to present this during the class or part of an award ceremony at the end of the year recital.

There is no “national standard” for the rules, and you can adjust this activity however you see fit to best cater to the needs of your students.

If you can’t make this a fun activity, it’s not for you! 😉.
-Susan Paradis

Watch the following demonstration of the One Minute Club in action!

Demonstration of the One Minute Club

Let me answer some of your frequently asked questions!

Which flashcards should I use?

I recommend using a set of grand staff flash cards, such as these. These cards include ledger lines notes that you may want to reserve for older students. They also feature BLANK staff cards so that you can customize your notes! However, you can really choose any flashcards you want!

How many cards per round?

This is really up to you! For some students, saying 7 to 8 cards in one minute is really good for them. Others can go faster. It’s up to you as their teacher and mentor to do what you think will motivate them best!

What’s the chart for?

This is optional, but some teachers may decide to make a public competition by hanging this chart up in their studio. This could serve as further motivation, especially for your older students. If they are already in the club, you can keep repeating the activity to see if they can get a better time and beat their previous record! Or perhaps you use the chart for your personal records and not post it for all to see. Your studio, your rules!

What age?

This activity is geared towards older students – 10 and up. However, it could be modified in many ways to work with younger children!

What do I do with the membership card?

Each year a new design is released. Students love collecting them! But what do students do with them?

One idea is to put them into clear badge protectors and hang them off their piano bags.

You could also laminate them and punch a hole in it. You can see that in the picture.

I’ve even see business card sleeves that can be placed into binders. (The membership card is 3.5 x 2 inches, standard business card size).

shows the different cards from the past.

Preparing in advance

This activity works best if you prepare your students in advance for a few months. I don’t recommend springing this activity on them out of the blue! Before they attempt the club membership, have students play other note identification games so they can start prepping.

Here are some of the games and worksheets I recommend to prepare:

How to Print:

For the Certificate and Chart – print as you normally would! I recommend cardstock for the certificate.

For the membership card, you have two options:

I made sure to create the membership cards to match the Avery business card paper. For the Avery business card paper, I personally purchased the Avery 8371 Business Card Matte White paper for inkjet printers that provides the perforated cut lines already. This eliminated my need for cutting out each membership card with scissors. There are many different Avery business card products out there, and most will work. Check to make sure the template displayed on the package matches the layout of the membership cards. I know for a fact some of their glossy business cards use a different template.

Many AVERY business card templates use the same template, but watch out for the specialty cards, such as Print-to-the-edge and Glossy, because they avhe slightly different templates. I alwasy design with the regular business card template in mind. You can see the template layout on the outside of the packaging.

The Avery template webpage is an awesome resource to check this and I use it all the time!

Comment below if you have used the One Minute Club activity before! I’d love to hear from you and learn how you modified the rules to work for your studio! And yes, look forward to the 2025 version coming out next year!

One more thing – If you haven’t already, please check out my Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube! I’ve enjoyed creating shorts/Reels like the one below:

I feel like these reels are so helpful because you get to see the actual product in action. Let me know over on the social medias if you are enjoying the reels and I’ll keep doing them. And please leave reviews on your favorite products on the website, as well!

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