Steal a Heart Game
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Showing 1–18 of 34 results
The One Minute Club 2025 is a note identification competition activity where students “say and play” notes in one minute or less. As the teacher flips through flash cards, students say the note on the card and play it on the piano. If they can get through all the cards within one minute, they are…
South Pole Funsheets is a collection of wintry themed music worksheets for piano students. This multi-level bundle works as a fun activity to supplement your piano lesson curriculum. Enjoy this set of 12 funsheets if you are looking for something you can use all winter long that isn’t holiday specific. In addition to regular piano…
Great for students who are confused reading scales on the grand staff!
🎹 Two Octave Harmonic Minor Picture Scales is a set of major scales with fingering on the keys to show which notes should be played by each finger. If you have students who have difficulty reading scales on the staff, you need to try these because they are very helpful. Minor scales included are A,…
🎶🔶🥁🔷 Rhythm Bingo in 3|8, 6|8, and 9|8 is a short bingo-type rhythm game for late elementary students. The teacher will play one-measure rhythm patterns in 3|8, 6|8, and 9|8, and students will identify the correct notation on their bingo board. How many of your students need some practice or extra help with compound meters?…