Rhythm Blocks for Hands On Learning


This is a hands-on way to learn the relationship of one note to another. 

SKU: PM331 Categories: , Tags: ,


Rhythm Blocks is a set of graphics to show the relationship of one note to another. Using these rhythm cut-outs is a great hands-on way to teach rhythm. If students are confused about rhythm values, it could be that verbal explanations don’t work. Theses rhythm shapes help because they are proportional in size; two eighths are the same size as one quarter.

Print this page on card stock and glue it to a sheet of thin craft foam or foam board before you cut them out. That will make them easier to pick up and move. Please note this is a digital download and does not include a physical item.

Order first and then set up an account. Your file will be in your account. 

This item includes one file made to be printed on 8.5″ x 11″ paper. When you order, your file will be sent to your account for you to download. Please double-check the email you use. Once you have saved your file, you may print it yourself. To find your account later, select “Account” from the top menu.

Licensing/Terms of Use

This file is for your private use. You have permission to make copies for the students you teach in your private studio. Do not share with anyone outside of your studio. The original art is copyrighted and may not be altered or used. Please see the FAQ for complete licensing requirements. Thank you for your visit!


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