Two-handed color coded rhythm flash cards
These flash cards help with playing hands together.
These Two-handed Rhythm Flash Cards consist of 48 color coded rhythm flash cards with two-measure rhythm patterns that use both hands. The cards are large enough for teachers to show to a group and use in private lessons. There are five levels of cards and each level has a different colored border. This speeds up the time teachers use to select the cards for particular students. These cards are for students of all ages. In the majority of the cards, either the left hand or the right hand is tapping the steady beat. If you have any students who have trouble with hands together, you need these cards!
When you order, your links will be found in your account.
Five distinct levels are used including whole, half, dotted half, quarter notes, quarter rests, dotted quarters, beamed 8th notes, 8th notes with flags, dotted eighths, 8th rests, 16th notes, 16th rests, 4/4, 3/4, 3/8, 6/8, 9/8, syncopation, triplets, and duplets. You can print the only the cards you need for the level of your students! Please note this is a digital download and does not include a physical item.
The Two-handed Rhythm Flash Cards file is a 12-page PRINTABLE PDF to be printed by the purchaser on 8.5 x 11 inches paper. There are 4 cards to cut out on each page. When you order, your links will be sent to your ACCOUNT for you to download. Please double-check the email you use. Once you have saved your file, you may print it yourself or use a print shop of your choice. To find your account later, select “Account” from the top menu.
Licensing/Terms of Use.
This file is for your private use. You have permission to make copies for the students you teach yourself in your private studio. Do not share with anyone outside of your studio. If you are not a teacher, you have permission to use it with your family. Each teacher and/or parent needs to make a separate purchase and not share with teachers in a school or business. The original art is copyrighted and may not be altered or used. There are no refunds on digital products but email me if you have problems and I will work with you. Please see the FAQ for complete licensing requirements. Thank you for your purchase!
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